
Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year

A new year! We've come this far by faith. And we will continue on, living in faith during the year ahead of us. We have been blessed and we will be blessed again. Of this I'm sure.

I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore - I set goals. Little goals. Goals that are possible. Goals that have a reason for the effort. One at a time goals. Big ones - small ones. Affecting my life with other people. Some only affecting me. Goals that can be seen with my eyes. Goals seen only by my heart. I once read that something can only be a goal if it has a beginning and an end - a recognizable accomplishment. You will know when you've achieved it.

So - I had better get started. I can't achieve it unless I begin. Throughout the year ahead I will share my goals with you. Some only when they have been accomplished. Some will be seen in pictures. Others will only be told.

For you, dear friends, I wish a Happy New Year. From the bottom of my heart.

Goals are dreams with deadlines.

Diana Scharf Hunt


  1. Happy New Year to you also.
    Time sure does move along doesn't it? The bright side is we are here to see it move along.
    Thank you for your nice comments over at my site. I sure do have fun playing house. My favorite thing to do.
    Nancy Jo

  2. Happy New Year!! thanks for coming by and visiting with me...I used to make resolutions, but now, I just make little changes to my habits, routines and life. May God continue to richly bless you this year!

  3. Happiest of New Years to you!

    Wishing you blessings in abundance as you follow Him,


  4. Adrienne, I like that. . . goals instead of resolutions. Good way to think of them in a more positive, accomplishable way. Resolutions just sounds like a failure word to me. I resolve to eat better, I resolve to spend more time with the Lord, as opposed to my goal is to eat healthier, my goal is to make more time for prayer.

    Yes, yes, I like that WAY better.

  5. great minds and all (picture). :o)

    Happy New Year to you, dear friend. Blessings and hugs...

  6. Happy New Year to you too! I don't make resolutions anymore either. I just have "things" I work on all the time.


  7. Hi Adrienne: Just hopping by to say hi, and wish you a marvelous and prosperous New Year!

    Blessings to you and yours.


  8. A very Happy New Year to you! Loved being here--may you find yourselves ever closer to our precious Lord this new year!
    Thanks for stopping by the cabin and Blessings to you!-Claudia O.


I am grateful that you stopped by to visit me. Your kind and gracious comments are appreciated and treasured.