. . . if I came back from the beautiful lake where my sweetheart and I went to camp and fish last month? Yes, we did come home. A lot has happened since then but I want to catch up a bit and then I’ll share our trip with you. And I have other things to share, too, so I’d better get busy and do it!

You may notice that my blog has a new look. For the past year I’ve debated and thought and debated again whether or not I should change to another blog service. I actually set up a new blog with another service to see if I wanted to move this blog over, and – after playing with it and giving it much thought – I decided to stay here and give this blog a more simple, clean look. There are some new features and I’ve removed others. At the top of my blog, just under the header, you will see five ‘tabs’. Each of them will take you to information or to a site that is no longer posted on the sidebar. ‘
Home’ is just what it says – it will take you back to my main blog page from anywhere you have gone to read and take a look on this blog. ‘
About Me' is newly updated information about me! ‘Contact Me’ has information about contacting me personally or finding me on Facebook and Pinterest. ‘
Daffodil – My Vintage Trailer' will take you directly to Daffodil’s blog so you can easily keep up with updates and information as we make progress on her restoration. ‘
Blogs I Enjoy' is a list (with links) to the blogs I read and enjoy on a regular basis.

I have added a new accessory to my own personal ‘look’ these days. I’m using a cane! Several years ago I fell and injured my right knee. It healed with the help of physical therapy and life went on. Over the past couple of months I have fallen several times and my knee seems to be the issue. Two weeks ago I began to have severe pain and swelling in and around my knee so I saw my doctor. She did some x-rays and then referred me to an orthopedic specialist. My doctor gave me two ‘assignments’ to prevent future falls – use a cane to maintain balance until this knee issue is resolved, and install ‘grab’ bars in the tub/shower. The specialist did about a million more x-rays of both knees (for comparison) and then he gave us some good news. The joints in both knees look good! The next step was an MRI to see if anything is torn. I see him tomorrow for results of the MRI and, hopefully, a plan to ‘fix’ the problem. That plan may simply be another round of physical therapy – or, it may be surgery.

So, I had to buy a cane. I didn’t want just any cane! I looked at vintage canes in a local vintage shop, but they weren’t sturdy enough. I looked at canes in a store here in town and I didn’t like much of what they had – until I spied a folding cane! Perfect! Basic. Black. Goes with everything. And I have plans to bling it up a bit. This cane folds up, goes in a little case and fits in my purse if I suddenly need a cane in the future.

It works great so I’m using my cane and trying to do what my doctor told me to do. I’m supposed to ‘rest and elevate the knee’, but she wants me using it! I sit and rest in my recliner – then I get up and move around! I’ve been trying to make the most of my sitting times. I’ve sorted things in my office/creative room. I can sit on the office chair and roll to wherever I want to go, sort, toss, recycle paper or anything else I find. I want my ‘sitting’ time to serve a purpose, even if it means taking a nap. I’m not driving these days because the leg that’s the culprit is my ‘gas and brake’ leg. So, my sweetheart drives me where I need to go and he is sweetly doing shopping and errands for my dear, little mother and taking care of some her needs that I usually do.

There’s progress on my little vintage trailer! The structural work has been finished and we started moving forward again. We’re putting her back together. I’ll share the progress on her blog in a few days. It’s not a lot yet, but I’m getting excited!
That’s what I’ve been up to. I have some blog posts about ready to share. Tomorrow I will show you how my sweetheart got the boat ready for our trip to the lake. There’s a process – one that catches the eye of people passing by when he’s loading the boat for a fishing trip.
I’ll update you on the diagnosis – and prognosis – on my knee. I’m getting pretty good at hobbling around, but I sure do get tired of saying ‘ouch’! Until there’s more news, I am grateful for each moment – and for your friendship.