Sunday, November 30, 2008
Christmastime Was Meant To Bring Us Love
Friday, November 28, 2008
Reflections on Thanksgiving Day

Or simple like this.Now, here I sat at my table - minus the men and the centerpiece - with a plastic tablecloth I suddenly knew I abhored! I think that was when I said, 'Well, it's certainly not a Norman Rockwell moment.'
Two things were decided in my mind at that moment. Either my sweetheart would not be allowed to go hunting and extend his stay through Thanksgiving next year. . .or, we would follow my suggestion. In the middle of all the mess I told the girls that I thought next year we should just go out somewhere, sit down and let someone else serve us!
Later in the afternoon, after the dishes were done and we ladies were seated in my living room as the children played nearby, I asked my grandchildren to tell me one thing they were thankful for. Mr. R. said he was thankful for good food. Mr. G. said he was thankful for God and for Jesus dying on the cross for us. When asked, Mr. C. said he didn't know - he's the shy one. Miss E. told me she was thankful for her mother. Mr. H. was too little to understand or answer. He just knew that his little tummy was full and that he is loved. A lot. And what was I thankful for? Each of the beautiful children who gathered in my home yesterday. And for the privilege of having my dear little mother in my life. . .and my daughter who is the sweetest lady a mother could hope to also call friend. . .and my precious daughter-in-law who is truly a gift from God to our family. As we reflected and laughed about the craziness of the day my heart was full of gratitude and praise to God because I know that I am blessed. Very blessed. And I give Him thanks. . .with a grateful heart.
(The plastic tablecloth? It has been cleaned thoroughly and added to a box of things headed to the thrift store where, hopefully, someone will think it's beautiful and will grace their table with it sometime!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
We Are So Blessed
Written by Bill and Gloria Gaither
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Birthday - Of Sorts
(Would you pray for my dear son today as he and eight other members of a team from his church fly to Cambodia where they will build a church? They will be gone for ten days.)
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dancing With The Angels
Monday, November 24, 2008
In A Fog
(That's ice on the web!)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Over The Sunset Mountains
Over the Sunset Mountains,
Toiling will all be ended,
Over the Sunset Mountains,
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Home On The Range

And what a great room it is!
Stepping into the room gives you a better idea. . .
Of the spacious beauty here. It's gorgeous!

One more look at this 'home on the range' before we go.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Heaven Is A Little Closer

The story of our dear one's coming into our lives is precious to our hearts. My sweetheart's mother went to be with Jesus several years ago and his father's heart was broken. Many changes happened within a short time and he moved from a community in another state to a town about an hour away from us to live near my dear sister-in-law. He really didn't want to make the move and he longed for his former home but he knew it was the best choice. He moved into an apartment in a retirement community where good people opened their arms and hearts to him. While he missed my dear mother-in-law intensely he enjoyed the friendship of his new friends. It wasn't long and we began to hear about a group of people - especially ladies - who rode the bus to church with him, walked to the nearby grocery store together and included him in activities of all kinds. And then one precious day about two years later he married one of the ladies in the group. He was ninety. She was eighty-eight. My sweetheart was their best man. I played the organ and I cried so hard with joy that I could hardly see the keys. Our dear son performed the ceremony together with the retirement center chaplain. Our son was a young youth pastor at the time and he told us he never dreamed that the first wedding he would perform would be for his grandpa! It was a day filled with joy. Two families came together and have loved each other ever since. My father-in-law and his bride were happier than we could have imagined. They were so in love and everyone around them knew it. They called themselves 'recycled teenagers'. They loved each other deeply and they loved each other's families as their own. It was something we never could have dreamed possible. And they had fun, such fun together. For three years their lives were entwined together. Last year he passed away and her world was turned upside down. Since that time we have continued to visit and call and send a few letters and pictures on a regular basis. She always thanked us for our love. And we felt so blessed to have hers. She saw things in my sweetheart that were so like his father and she knew that she and I had loved and married men who were so alike in many special ways. Because of that, my sweetheart was very special to her - like a son. And she loved it when he called her 'Mom'.
Our lives will never be the same because of this sweet lady whose love stole my father-in-law's heart. And ours! She brought a beauty and a sweetness that can't be described. That's what she did for everyone whose life she touched. She will be missed much but she will always hold a special place in our hearts. A place no one else can have. Because of her, Heaven seems just a little closer now.
Artwork: 'Heaven's Light'
Artist: James Lee