Sometimes life has a way of slowing us down when we least expect it. Mine is about to be put on hold. Temporarily! Over the past year I have had problems with my left shoulder. My doctor and I have tried some things that haven’t made much difference. Monday morning I will have surgery to correct the problems that have intensified over the last few weeks, leaving me with less and less use of my arm and more and more pain as the days have gone by.
A recent MRI showed that a large calcium deposit that has built up on the front of my shoulder area is compromising the tendon and a bone spur at the top of my shoulder is making a ‘dent’ in my rotator cuff. It needs to be removed before the ‘dent’ becomes a tear. When I saw the specialist this week I expected that surgery in would be the plan. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Just before I arrived at the doctor's office a cancellation in the doctor’s surgery schedule for next Monday opened a spot right away.
Over the last few days I have been busy cancelling appointments and commitments and getting things ready for the time I will be ‘on hold’. This is a day surgery so I will come home Monday afternoon or evening. My sweetheart is taking time off work to be with me for a few days. I’ve given him permission to work on his ‘honey-do’ list while I rest! My arm will be in a sling for a week and I won’t be able to drive for at least a month. I’m busy getting things ready so my only focus over the next weeks will be to rest and recover! And, when the time comes, I will do some little projects. I have several things ready – things that can be done pretty much with one hand. I have a stack of books I never have time to read – I have a million photos on my computers that need to be edited. I won’t run out of simple things to do. When the time comes. But first I plan to And heal.
I’ve been asked what is happening with Daffodil. Nothing at the moment. The roof seams have been recaulked and one coat of roof seal has been applied. The second coat and other exterior work that needs be done are at the mercy of the weather. She must be watertight before the transformation on the inside can be done. Time will come soon – we believe – that work will begin in earnest and progress will be made. Then, one day she will be the beautiful, little trailer she was meant to be. I’ll share photos and updates when that happens. I’ll be able to be part of the project again. One of these days.
Before then I will do what I need to do to recover from surgery. And heal. I’m keeping that goal in mind. I can’t wait for that day! I have places to go. And people to see. And things to do.
I will be praying for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery for you, Adrienne. ((Hugs))
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear that you have this problem but at least there was a cancellation so you dont have to wait much longer to fix it. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you have the down time all covered tho with some simple things to keep you resting.
ReplyDeleteOh goodness Adrienne, I'm sorry to hear you have to go through surgery! I will be praying for a good outcome and quick healing so you can get right back to doing the things you love!
Praying all will go well and smoothly! Don't overdo!!
ReplyDeleteI will be praying for a full recovery for you, Adrienne. Take care and know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. ~
ReplyDeleteSo you know that I had a rotator cuff tear and bone spur in December. I had surgery and after 5 months of therapy both with a PT and at home I am doing great.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that yours was found before the rotator cuff had a chance to tear!! I wish you ease through your surgery and fast healing after....sending you love and hugs,
Adrienne, you will be in my prayers for successful surgery. May your recovery and healing go well. I know your 'nurse' and Joey will be taking care of you very well. May it be a time of spiritual refreshing while the other parts of your life are put on hold.
Adrienne, wishing you all the best with your surgery and a quick recovery. Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers~Lynn
ReplyDeleteI will be thinking about you tomorrow. I am sure you will do great. Take care and for sure rest, rest, rest.
ReplyDeleteThinking of you and hope that all goes well! xx
ReplyDeleteI am running behind on visiting my friends, and just now seeing this. I do hope and pray that your surgery was a success. It's amazing what they can do with shoulder surgeries. I had one almost 20 years ago now and with little incisions. Worked like a charm. Get that rest and let your honey "do" the "honey do" list. Your job now is to get well!
ReplyDeleteHope all is well.
ReplyDeleteD xo