Ten years ago today Mrs. K., our beautiful daughter-in-law, became the wife of our son, Mr. J. Our hearts were touched deeply as they exchanged vows and promised to walk through life together with Christ at the center of their marriage. There were tears and there was laughter; there were smiles and hugs. Most of all, there was much love - the love of a precious young lady and a special young man and the love that only God can give. They promised to love each other no matter what life brought their way - and they have. They have walked together for better or worse, for richer and poorer, in sickness and health, in joy and sorrow. God has blessed them with 4 precious little boys to love - two who bring such joy to their home, one who is in the arms of Jesus, and one who will be born in just a few weeks. They have served Him together in youth ministry in two churches and now they wait to see what ministry lies ahead for them in God's plan. Mr. J. and Mrs. K., we love you much. You have blessed our lives in ways no words can express. You bring joy to our hearts as we watch you grow in grace and in the love of Jesus and as you follow Him each day and raise your boys to know and love Him, too. We are proud of you and we pray that God will give you many more years together as you walk through life with Him. The best is yet to come!
What a lovely post!! Happy Anniversary to the beautiful couple!
And another great tribute - this time for your son and daughter-in-law! They sound like a wonderful couple and I wish the best for them on the upcoming birth of their newest child.